I started off a long time ago trying othAuth, obAuth, (can't remember
all the different names, but I tried several).  The problem I ran into
is that you are then stuck if you upgrade your core and whatever
script you chose happens to break because it used overrides or hacks
or whatever.  Or, the script simply didn't get updated to fix various
bugs because the developer had moved on to other things.

More recently I chose to just search all over the place, mainly
hitting places like Chris Hartjes' blog, this Group, other blogs, etc.
and also just read through the API.  I'm still not what I would
consider "confident" about working with Auth/ACL, but I am more
comfortable upgrading my core without breaking my app because I'm
trying to stick to the conventions of the framework (plus having more
understanding of how the implementation works in my app).

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