Hi CakeFan,

Have you solved your problem ?
I am asking you because I have exactly the same problem as you !
I try to use the unobtrusive date picker, and in my ajax view (which is 
also a view to add a task...) the date picker is missing...
Please let me know if you have a solution.

Cake Fan wrote:
> Working with cakephp 1.2 here.  I have a somewhat simple problem that
> I can't seem to resolve with what I've found so far in the GG's..
> I have a simple page that submits a "task" via AJAX.  This form
> contains the unobtrusive date picker (http://bakery.cakephp.org/
> articles/view/using-the-unobtrusive-date-picker-widget-in-cakephp).
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Layout header contains the necessary JS:
> <?php
> if (isset($javascript)) {
> echo $javascript->link('scriptaculous/protoculous-packer.js');
> echo $javascript->link('datepicker/datepicker.js');
> }
> ?>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The view looks something like this [add_task.ctp]:
> <?php echo $ajax->form(array('action' => '/Tasks/addTask'), 'post',
> array('update' => 'task')); ?>
> <div id="task" style="display: none;">
>               <?php echo $form->input('text', array('label' => false)); ?>
>                <?php echo $form->input('Task/dateOnly', array('size' => '15',
> 'class' => 'w8em format-m-d-y divider-dash highlight-days-12 no-
> transparency', 'label' => false));?>
>                <?php echo $form->hour('Task/time'); ?>
>                <?php echo $form->minute('Task/minute'); ?>
>                <?php echo $form->meridian('Task/meridian'); ?>
>               <?php echo $form->input('category', array('label' => false)); ?>
>       </p>
>       <?php echo $form->submit('Add Task'); ?>
> </div>
> </form>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The ajax view looks like this [ajax_add_task.ctp]:
> <?php echo $form->input('text', array('label' => false)); ?>
>                <?php echo $form->input('Task/dateOnly', array('size' => '15',
> 'class' => 'w8em format-m-d-y divider-dash highlight-days-12 no-
> transparency', 'label' => false));?>
>                <?php echo $form->hour('Task/time'); ?>
>                <?php echo $form->minute('Task/minute'); ?>
>                <?php echo $form->meridian('Task/meridian'); ?>
>               <?php echo $form->input('category', array('label' => false)); ?>
>       </p>
>       <?php echo $form->submit('Add Task'); ?>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The initial page load of the above code works just fine.  The
> datepicker shows up just fine and all is well.  When the form submits
> (via ajax), I want it to add the task and then return the same fields
> again... so the user can add many task quickly and easily.
> However, when the form comes back after the ajax call, the datepicker
> piece is missing.  I understand this has to do with the fact that the
> the original datepicker JS isn't being executed when the we do an ajax
> layout, so I probably need to use the 'onComplete' ajax option to
> restart the script again.  However, I can't get the onComplete to work
> at all.  It never fires off anything (I even just tried basic
> alerts).
> I was using the following context:
> <?php echo $ajax->form(array('action' => '/Tasks/addTask'), 'post',
> array('update' => 'task', 'onComplete' => "alert('test');")); ?>
> When the ajax task completes, nothing happens (the alert doesn't show
> up in the source code anywhere).
> Also, I tried simply including the datepicker.js file in the ajax view
> itself as well (thinking it might be executed), but no luck there
> either.
> Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
> - Cake Fan
> >

 *Pierre MARCOURT*      
*IT Department*         
5610 NW 12th Ave, suite 214
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304

        Phone: 954-861-6310
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