Try renaming (or copying) your table and model to something else. I
have a hunch that "quote" is causing  the problem (eg. in
collaboration with an extract() somewhere).

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 6:28 PM, Grant Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What database are you using?  MySQL, or something else?  What database
> connection options are you using - perhaps post the $design
> configuration from your /app/config/database.php (remove your username/
> password of course :P)
> Also, what version of Cake?
> On May 15, 6:21 am, TracyB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have a model using a table that's been around forever, so it's not a
>> CakePHP friendly name. My model is set up like so:
>> class Quote extends AppModel
>> {
>> var $name = 'Quote';
>> var $useTable = 'BillOfMaterial';
>> var $primaryKey = 'BillID';
>> var $useDbConfig = 'design';
>> When I do a $this->Quote->findAll() or $this->paginate('Quote'), this
>> is the query that gets generated:
>> Does anyone know what is causing it to try to ALIAS every single field
>> 6 times to the same name? It's causing my database to choke and I
>> don't get any results.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Tracy Barker
> >

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