I agree to. But it just doesn't make any sense to me that input names
are stripped to the column names of a table only when using GET. What
is the reason that cake handles get different from post?

I really want to stay as close as possible to the cake conventions so
I decided at first to use the formhelper. The great thing about the
form helper is that well, helps you build forms I think. But it is the
simple trivial stuff that the formhelper does for you independently
from the rest of the framework. For example, automaticly setting the
'posted' value of an input field, or showing validation errors.

But what if there will be an extension in the functionality later, and
cake should do something with the data? That would be another reason
to stick with the formhelper I think.

Anyways, getting my hands 'dirty' by writing some extra non cake-ish
isn't that big a deal but in my opinion not necessary :-)

On 16 mei, 14:56, mydesignbuddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you are not using Cake to process the form why use FormHelper when
> a good old hand-coded form in HTML works.
> To me Helpers are great time savers when you are utilizing the
> frameworks features: validations, auto read/write values to view,
> posting to the next action in your controller. If your not using the
> built features of cake for a form the helpers could slow down your
> performance compared to hard-coded HTML that does not need processing.
> Does anyone else agree with this opinion?
> -Buddy
> On May 15, 4:52 am, Marcelius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi!
> > The situation:
> > //in some view I have:
> > <?php
> > echo $form->create(array("controller"=>"search", "action"=>"index"));
> > echo $form->input("Region.region_name");
> > echo $form->end();
> > ?>
> > Straight forward, nothing to it... Now I want to post data via GET.
> > Cake doesn't have to worry about handling the 'posted' data because
> > that is delegated to another 3th party class that does the magic for
> > me.
> > //like so:
> > <?php
> > echo $form->create(array("controller"=>"search", "action"=>"index",
> > "type"=>"get"));
> > echo $form->input("Region.region_name");
> > echo $form->end();
> > ?>
> > But here comes the problem, the input name isn't "data[Region]
> > [region_name]" anymore, but "region_name". So apparently the form
> > helper notices the difference in the form method, and changes the way
> > the input names are printed. Wy? In this situation it is for example
> > impossible to create an array of checkboxes and post them as array
> > data because input names with "data[Option][1][option_title]" and
> > "data[Option][2][option_title]" etc are converted to "option_title"
> > only.
> > "Okay so don't be lazy and print the html yourself". Thats fine with
> > me to, but it would be great to have Cake support this problem. Or
> > does it and do I miss something?
> > Greets,
> > Marcel.
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