You may want to consider submitting enhancement tickets for 2.0
(enhancements are closed for 1.1 and 1.2).  However, I would offer one
tiny bit of advice:

Don't say "framework X has this, so I think cake should have it",
because that is going to get you nowhere fast.  Instead, just say "I
think cake should be enhanced with a feature that I will now describe:
blah blah" and don't even mention where you saw it if you saw it :P

I don't think Cake is about keeping up with the Jones' or whatever you
want to call it.  I believe it's about building upon a strict set of
conventions and a philosophy and making the best framework possible
within those parameters.

On May 20, 5:40 pm, rloaderro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, I am a big fan of Cake. Recently I have been having to use
> other MVC frameworks and came across a couple bits that I would love
> to see duplicated in Cake (my framework of choice).
> - Symfony function name caching
> When Symfony is in development mode it compiles an index of every
> function of every class that exists in it's folder hierarchy. That is
> to say, by merely placing an external class (example.php) in one of
> the folders Symfony knows to search in, you can use all the methods of
> that class without having to "include" the class first. I think this
> would be great for Cake to use in the case of Components, Helpers (esp
> Helpers), etc. Meaning I could reference Helper function from my Views
> without having to first include them in the Controller - Cake would
> reference the function name index and create the instance of the
> appropriate Helper class (if it doesn't exist already) all
> automatically.
> - Model-Glue 3 automagic controllers
> Now we're getting far from the PHP path - but this great MVC framework
> for Coldfusion features "automagic" controllers. That is, if the
> application is running in development mode and you reference a
> controller that doesn't exist, rather than get a 404 you get a page
> offering you different options to create the missing controller. While
> MG3 mostly deals with event creation / broadcast and XML config, Cake
> could benefit from a GUI frontend to the Bake script. It is like
> mating the functionality of a Wiki with a programming framework.
> Thoughts? Anyone?
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