Try debugging env('HTTP_REFERER') in addition to what
Controller::referer($alt_redirect, true) gives you; your headers might
be getting mangled for some reason or other.
Also, is there a specific reason you are statically accessing the
Controller::referer() method instead of using $this->referer() ?


On May 22, 1:45 pm, "b logica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Suddenly, authentication for my app hasbecome completely unhinged.
> This was working perfectly yesterday but now I'm (almost) always
> redirected back to the login page. The only thing I've changed has to
> do with $loginRedirect, but I can't see how that would cause Auth to
> forget that I'm authenticated.
> My login() looks like (in part):
> /* I have 3 types of users who might log in. I need to create model
> for each, rather than use roles, because
>  * their needs are quite different. So, I grab the model name from the
> users table
>  */
> $model_name = $user['User']['model'];
> $this->User->bindModel(array('hasOne'=>array($model_name=>array())));
> /* This allows me to save a bit of personal info and set the default
> redirect page if there's
>  * no referer.
>  */
> switch($model_name)
> {
>         case 'Admin':
>                 $name = 
> $this->User->Admin->getName($user['User']['foreign_key']);
>                 $user['User']['name'] = $name['name'];
>                 $alt_redirect = '/admin';
>                 break;
>         case 'Member':
>                 $name_and_slug =
> $this->User->Member->getNameAndSlug($user['User']['foreign_key']);
>                 $user['User']['name'] = $name_and_slug['name'];
>                 $user['User']['slug'] = $name_and_slug['slug'];
>                 $alt_redirect = '/';
>                 break;
>         case 'Artist':
>                 $name_and_slug =
> $this->User->Artist->getNameAndSlug($user['User']['foreign_key']);
>                 $user['User']['name'] = $name_and_slug['name'];
>                 $user['User']['slug'] = $name_and_slug['slug'];
>                 $alt_redirect = '/';
>                 break;
> }
> /* This is the only change made since yesterday. I added the
> $alt_redirect so that admins will be sent
>  * to their dashboard page if there's no referer
>  */
> $this->Session->write('User', $user['User']);
> $this->Auth->loginRedirect = Controller::referer($alt_redirect, true);
> $this->redirect($this->Auth->redirect());
> AppController::isAuthorised():
> function isAuthorized()
> {
>         if (isset($this->params[Configure::read('Routing.admin')]))
>         {
>                 if ($this->Auth->user('model') != 'Admin')
>                 {
>                         $this->log('not ok: '.$this->Auth->user('model'));    
>                         return false;
>                 }
>         }
>         $this->log('ok');
>         return true;
> }
> I put the log statements in just now to try to figure out what's going wrong.
> So, if I browse to:
> /admin/artists/edit/58
> I'm correctly redirected to the login page:
> /admin/users/login
> and, in turn, redirected to the edit form and the log says, "ok". When
> I hit submit, sometimes it works, and sometimes I'm sent back to the
> login page. In the latter case, I never see the "not ok: Admin" in the
> log. So, if the problem does not lie with isAuthorised() how/why am I
> being redirected?
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