I am using Cake 1.2 and I love it so far! I have a small problem that
I cannot solve. I have the following in one of my views:

echo $html->link(
        'View My Current Inventory',

In my controller for the transactions view, I have a function as

function viewinventoryforclient($theclientid = null) {

The value being passed does appear in the url:


However, when I test the variable $theclientid appears to have an
empty value of some kind in the controller function. I am executing a

$conditions = array();
$conditions['Transaction']['clientID'] = "= {$theclientid}";
$results = $this->Transaction->findAll($conditions);

I get a sql error and in the debug display in the where condition of
the generated sql statement, it's blank after the ". . .where clientID
= ".

I would really appreciate some help on this. I've gone through docs
and groups, but to no avail.


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