Or you could do what I've done in the past on several occasions and
create a plugin called 'admin', which will allow you to have URLs such
as /admin/users/add.

Works fairly well, and you can define a separate layout just by
including in your plugin a /views/layouts/default.ctp file.

On Jun 5, 6:05 pm, aranworld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The only thing stopping you is that you might come into problems
> having controllers with the same name.
> If you made a controller named useradmin_controller.php in /
> controllers/admin, cakephp will find it.
> However, if you have users_controller.php in BOTH /controllers and /
> controllers/admin, I believe you will run into naming conflicts.
> Overall, I think you will find that it is ultimately easier to mostly
> use single controllers which contain an index, add, edit, and delete
> function.
> On Jun 5, 8:58 am, zw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there a way to have a separate admin section that doesn't use the
> > built-in CakePHP admin routing feature? I'd like to be able to set up
> > my site so there is a folder within controllers called admin, and I
> > can put all my admin specific controllers. That way I don't have to
> > have my admin code in my standard controllers and easily use a
> > separate admin layout. Something like this would be ideal:
> > Router::connect('/admin/:controller/:action/*', array('controller' =>
> > 'admin/:controller'))
> > Then i can have:
> > /app
> >   /controllers
> >     /admin
> >       posts_controller.php
> >       users_controller.php
> >       projects_controller.php
> >       ....etc
> > From what I can tell this is not possible, and CakePHP will only look
> > in app/controllers for controllers. I feel this is a really clean
> > structure and way of separating the admin functionality.
> > Thanks for your help.
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