Here's the patch that would implement it, along with the unit test


On Jun 5, 12:47 pm, James S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here is the scenario:
> 1. I get some data with a find query and flatten the data.
> 2. I run this through the Javascript->object(...) to obtain the JSON
> string.
> First, a simple schema for the data:
> id: integer
> name: string
> donation: decimal(13,2)
> created: datetime
> modified: datetime
> What I get back looks something like this:
> [ { 'id': 1, donation: "100.00", created: "2008-01-01", modified:
> "2008-01-01"}, ... ]
> Notice the donation is quoted as if it's a string. This is a result of
> the function value in the Javascript helper. It uses a test case of
> is_float($val) to determine if a value is a float. This function does
> not evaluate strings as floats, even if they pass is_numeric(...).
> This is well documented in the php manual.
> The reason for this is the mysql driver returns all data as wither
> String or NULL. So even though the data is decimal, it returns it as
> type string in the result array. This posses a problem for anyone who
> wants to JSON data returned from MYSQL (or Postgres for that matter,
> not sure about other php db drivers...).
> So, knowing this I decided to try patching the Javascript helper to
> cast a bit more intelligently. I replaced the "case (is_float($val)):"
> in the function value(...) with "case (is_numeric($val) && (float)$val
> == $val):" and got my desired behavior. Great, fantastic, swell!
> No problem, when I run the helper over it's unit tests I get a failure
> on the test where a number is quoted. It expects "1" to be JSON'ed as
> a string and not a float (incidentally, you can change the case for
> integer to a similar syntax so it converts it to an int at least, but
> it still fails the test). From the revision history, this was done to
> more fully support the JSON standard. The unwanted side effect is that
> php's lose typing makes a scenario where nearly every value in an
> array is going to be string quoted.
> Possible solutions would be to be slightly less strict in our
> Javascript->value(...) function as I have already tried. Update the
> unit test and be done with it. Another possible route is to cast
> returned database values based on the schema. That would probably
> require a significant change to the dbo code, but could possibly work.
> The exception being that php floats are not accurate, so you'll likely
> loose precision compared to what the database has (which is actually
> why I believe they return strings in the first place...).
> One other solution that may work is to add an option to the 
> Javascript->object(...) function to be less strict on converting values. The
> regular rules would apply for forced quotes anyways, so this would
> seem like the most "backwards" compatible solution. I'll likely write
> up a patch that reflects this approach this afternoon.
> Idea's and alternate solutions would be great to hear.
> James

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