Here a quick 4-step primer to get better performance in cake

1. Specify var $recursive = 0; in your app/app_model.php
    This will cut off all automatic calls to hasMany& haBtm relationships by default. three-quarters of the time, I don't want those results - I simply need the belongsTo bindings.

2. Use the Containable behavior http://cakebaker.42dh.com/2008/05/18/new-core-behavior-containable/
With that you can easily set the models to pull, the level of recursion..

3. Use Wincachegrind and Xdebug to test after.

4. Avoid using so many App::import('Model',$modelName) in your components where possible.

Dr. Tarique Sani wrote:
On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 5:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have noted the same thing of Hermann.
I use Xdebug and Wincachegrind.
And I have noted that the problem is exactly the presence of many
linked models in the application.

Great Start -  What you really mean that your application is running too many un-needed queries and handling too much data.

The solution to this is using the Containable behavior see http://cakebaker.42dh.com/2008/05/18/new-core-behavior-containable/

I'm a newbie in Cake but I think that a post about "The Things to do
to get the best permorfance in cake" could be useful for the person
like me.
Not exactly in those words but there are posts about it out there and like any other programming there can't be any one true solution for best performance... you have to tailor your application accordingly

Perhaps you can write a post on how you optimized your application.


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PHP for E-Biz: http://sanisoft.com

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