Can the concat query be used wirth $this->Model->generateList(); ?

On Jun 9, 7:40 am, grigri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Currently, Model::find('list') only allow for simple fields to be
> used. Thw workaround is to use find('all') and Set::combine().
> Method 1 [perform concat in SQL] :
> $tmp = $this->Model->find('all', array(
>   'fields' => array('id', 'CONCAT(name, \'/\', antonym) AS
> something'),
>   'recursive' => -1,
>   'order' => 'name'
> ));
> $ret = Set::combine($tmp, '{n}', '{n}.0.something');
> Method 2 [perform concat in PHP]
> $tmp = $this->Model->find('all', array(
>   'fields' => array('id', 'name', 'antonym'),
>   'recursive' => -1,
>   'order' => 'name'
> ));
> $ret = Set::combine($tmp,
>   '{n}',
>   array(
>     '%s / %s', // Format string
>     '{n}',
>     '{n}.Model.antonym'
> ));
> Working on a patch to allow more complicated expressions in
> find('list'), but it's not as easy as you might think!
> On Jun 9, 11:57 am, RichardAtHome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all :-)
> > I'm trying to populate a drop down list using Model->find('list')
> > where the display field is a concatenation of two other fields in the
> > model.
> > I am using the following code:
> > $projectRelationshipTypes = 
> > $this->ProjectsProject->ProjectRelationshipType->find('list', 
> > array("fields"=>array("id",
> > "concat(name, ' / ', antonym) as name"), "order"=>"name"));
> > Which produces the following (correct) SQL:
> > SELECT `ProjectRelationshipType`.`id` , concat( name, ' / ', antonym )
> > AS name
> > FROM `project_relationship_types` AS `ProjectRelationshipType`
> > WHERE 1 =1
> > ORDER BY `name` ASC
> > This query is correctly returning the two rows I would expect with two
> > fields (id, name)
> > My problem is that the find() is returning an empty array and the drop
> > down list is blank :-(
> > What am I doing wrong?
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