First off I'm not just new to Cake I'm new to programing. I can get my
head around relatively simple stuff and can generalize once I have a
concept but even though I know this is either obvious, or been
answered a thousand times I can't see it anywhere or figure out how it

I have a two tables Recipes and Ingredients and a JoinTable
Ingredients_Recipes that contains the foreign keys plus some other

In my controller I have the following code:
        $recipe = $this->Recipe->find(array('ShowDate'=>$today));
                $this->set('todays_recipe', $recipe);

Which in debug send all the relevant elements of the all tables to the
$___dataForView =       array(
        "todays_recipe" => array(
        "Recipe" => array(
        "recipe_id" => "20",
        "RecipeName" => "Banana Bread",
        "Ingredient" => array(
        "ingredient_id" => "1",
        "IngredientName" => "Eggs",
        "IngredientsRecipe" => array(
        "id" => "1",
        "recipe_id" => "20",
        "ingredient_id" => "1",
        "Amount" => "2",

In my view code
echo @"The dinner for $today is {$todays_recipe[Recipe]['RecipeName']}

and I can generalize that to display anyting in the recipe array ie
serves = $todays_recipe[Recipe]['Serves']";

But when I try this with the Ingredients using - echo "this

I get undefined constants or undefined variables.

I assume I have to declare the ingredients array in the controller or
assign it to a variable but how? I don't know and  at the risk of
appearing stupid or irritating I thought I'd ask.

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