On 10 Cze, 16:23, Pierre MARCOURT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just uploaded my CakePHP project on a remote server but I meet an
> issue.
> In all my views, I get the text "  " on the top.
> I know this is a problem (on FF) regarding to the character encoding
> (cf.http://groups.google.com/group/cake-php/browse_thread/thread/28f129e2...)
> but in local, I don't have this problem !
> Moreover, in my default.thtml layout I set the character encoding thanks
> to : <?php echo $html->charsetTag('UTF-8')."\n"; ?>
> If I look at the source code, I have the meta UTF-8 defined.
> But if I check the character encoding of my FF browser, it is : Western
> (ISO-8859-1).
> Plus, it is working well on IE 7 and Safari 3.1.1.
> Finally in my editor : Dreamweaver (Sorry, 
> cfhttp://groups.google.ch/group/cake-php/browse_thread/thread/392484f52...)
> I have set up character encoding at UTF-8 without BOMs.
> Please help me because I don't have more idea to fix this.
> Regards,

The problem with page charset is because PHP sends HTTP Header
"Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1". You could try and
override the default_charset php ini parameter by calling this as
early as possible:

ini_set('default_charset', '');

This will clear the default charset setting in php and allow to set
the charset by http equiv tag in page header.
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