For giggles, I also tried the following in my app_controller.php, and
it didn't make a difference:

function __construct() {
                array('argSeparator' => ';'),

Please help, my project is going to be delayed if I can't get past
this. :(

On Jun 15, 6:50 pm, Matt Huggins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I still can't manage to change the named parameter argument separator
> from a colon to a semicolon.  Here are the things I've tried doing,
> which look like they fall in line with the documentation I've come
> across.
> app_controller.php:
> class AppController extends Controller {
>         var $argSeparator = ';';
> }
> config/routes.php:
> Router::connectNamed(true, array('argSeparator'=>';'));
> Router::connectNamed(false, array('argSeparator'=>';'));
> Any time I use pagination though, the links always come out looking
> like the colon, no
> semicolon).  I really could use some more insight from someone who
> knows how to do this if possible.  Nothing I'm trying is working. :'(
> On Jun 14, 10:06 pm, Matt Huggins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > @Marcin - I searched all over for argSeperator (and argSeparator, I
> > guess whoever coded the feature can't spell though :P ).  I found a
> > bunch of articles saying to set a variable $argSeperator in
> > app_controller.php to another character to make it work, but it didn't
> > work for me.
> > @Nate - I already came across Router::connectNamed, but I couldn't
> > figure out how to make it work.  Do I put calls to that in config/
> > routes.php?  I tried that, but it didn't work, not even when I
> > included array('separator'=>';') as the second function parameter.  I
> > must be doing something wrong, but I couldn't find any documentation
> > that properly showed how to set the separator for named params. :(
> > On Jun 13, 12:50 pm, Nate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Try the API documentation for Router::connectNamed()
> > > On Jun 13, 1:34 pm, Matt Huggins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Really?  No one knows how to do this?
> > > > On Jun 12, 4:39 pm, Matt Huggins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > Does anyone know how to change the argument separator for named
> > > > > parameters in CakePHP 1.2?  I keep finding posts where people say to
> > > > > set the value of $argSeperator (or $argSeparator) in
> > > > > app_controller.php, but this doesn't change anything for me.  I also
> > > > > stumbled across Router::connectNamed with the option to set the
> > > > > 'separator' key/value, but I'm not sure if this will do what I want.
> > > > > If it is what I need, then I'm either trying to use it incorrectly or
> > > > > in the wrong spot in my code altogether.
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