Please read the release notes regarding LIKE and other SQL operators.
That should be:

$conditions = array("or"=>(array(
        'edifici LIKE %?%' => $searchText,
        'adreca LIKE %?%' => $searchText

On Mon, 2008-06-16 at 03:07 -0700, leo wrote:
> Call me a misery, but I seem to be having more problems with RC1 than
> I had with Beta.
> The following works as expected in Beta but invariably returns an
> empty set in RC1:
> $conditions = array("or"=>(array('edifici' => 'LIKE %'.
> $searchText.'%', 'adreca' => 'LIKE %'.$searchText.'%')));
> $this->set('immobles', $this->paginate('Immoble',$conditions));

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