Have you tried phpinfo?

Sorry if this is beneath you, but create a file with the contents <?
php phpinfo() ?> make sure there are no spaces before or after the
chevrons. Save it as phpinfo.php and open it in your browser.

Search the results page for mod_rewrite (in apache2handler section,
loaded modules). If it isn't there, that's your problem. Then you'll
need to uncomment it in httpd.conf (or whatever your conf file is) and
restart Apache.

If it is there, then you probably have a dot file problem as described
by Lance.

On Jun 17, 9:39 am, Lance Willett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > When I launch cake in the browser the page shows up, but it doesn't
> > look properly styled.
> > My research suggests its an issue with the mod_rewrite... but I can't
> > seem to find out how to solve it.
> Hi bdiddymc,
> See "Beware the Finder and dot files":http://tinyurl.com/5572wp. A
> very common error with the basic CakePHP setup on a Mac is moving
> files with Finder, which doesn’t take .htaccess or other hidden files
> by default. So you might be missing .htaccess files in your /webroot
> directory and in your /app directory.
> For some other common MAMP issues (MAMP default port, mysql.sock
> setting, creating a virtual host for your CakePHP test site), see
> "this thread":http://tinyurl.com/4balux.
> If you are still having issues, you can use the "CakePHP Paste
> Bin":http://bin.cakephp.org/to post source code, like the HTML output
> at `/your_install/index.php`. It might be helpful to see what the CSS
> links look like, since you are mentioned that the view isn't styled
> correctly.
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