view cache files are generated into /app/tmp/cache/views.
check out the folder, if it's not empty the cache is working...


On jún. 20, 12:01, Marc MENDEZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a newbie and I have started last week studying CakePHP with the 1.1
> release.
> Yesterday, I upgraded my tests to 1.2 RC1 (the latest 1.2 available on
> the website).
> Up to this morning, I used view templates generated with the previous
> version of bake (but just corrected to work with 1.2);
> Now, I have just generated model, controller and view using the bake
> utility available with the 1.2 : works fine... but :
> I decided to modify the index.ctp generated : the changes are not visibles !
> I even deleted the index.ctp, it's still working ! It works as if the
> index.ctp was cached.
> I check the CACHE_CHECK parameter in the core.php : set to false !
> What's wrong !
> Help please, it drives me crazy !
> BTW : I work with IE. I copied the URL and pasted it directly in a new
> instance of FireFox : I get the same behavior ! So it's not a problem of
> my web browser.
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