Adding something to the book about the A/ORM approach along with
addressing the usual PHP4 debate is probably a good thing. I'd
probably look to add it in the 1.0 or 2.0 section of the book. A
copy/paste probably isn't a good idea but it could be rewritten to be
a better fit for the book. I'll see about adding it in within the next
day or two.

On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 11:01 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Buddy, if you're ever make your way through Saskatoon give me a shout
> and I'll buy you a beer.
> Given your consent, could we essentially copy / paste this somewhere
> into the book?  Maybe in under
> a separate heading "ORM"?
> Ralph
> On Jun 24, 7:49 am, "Jonathan Snook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> That's not really the benefit, per se. How do you work with data in
>> Java? Using objects and Java data types, of course. The ORM literally
>> maps the relational to the objectal (and vice versa). However, the
>> benefit is not the mapping part in and of itself. The benefit is in
>> the ability to work with data in a format that's native to the
>> language, and in Java, that's as objects.
>> In PHP, arrays are at the very core of the language, although OO
>> approaches have slowly been seeping their way into the language. What
>> CakePHP has done is take ORM and apply it to the PHP paradigm. What
>> you get is an A/ORM (Array/Object relational mapping -- since CakePHP
>> technically uses both).
>> > If my model is to become thick with business logic, then it should be able
>> > to operate as a class instance.
>> > Can my Toy class encapsulate logic such as:
>> > if ($this->price < 9.99) then {.. }  ?
>> Yes, your Toy model class can—and should—encapsulate that logic. Make
>> that model thick. That logic is normally applied where it matters
>> most: when attempting to push the data from the model back to the
>> database either via the validation phase or via the beforeSave
>> callback (as opposed to getter/setter methods which I'm guessing is
>> what you're thinking). The lifetime of the object is too short-lived
>> to need anything more complicated. The purpose of the A/ORM in CakePHP
>> is to act as a conduit to the database (or whatever the final
>> datasource is).
>> > The examples of Fat model that I've seen all seem statelss with
>> > repsect to the object attributes.
>> PHP is stateless. A user initiates an action and expects a quick
>> response. PHP's (and CakePHP's) job is take the data, validate the
>> data, store the data, and then formulate a response. After that, it's
>> like nothing happened.
>> I don't see any advantage (or disadvantage) to using an ORM in the
>> traditional sense and, to get back to your original point, calling
>> CakePHP's approach "half-baked" comes across as derogatory when
>> ultimately, you have all the facitilities available as you do with
>> traditional ORM. Every example you've shown so far is possible (and
>> designed to be easily done) with CakePHP.
> >

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