class SSLComponent extends Object{
        var $_aryParams         =       array();
        var $reset                      =       true;
        function initialize(&$controller){
                $this->_config('objController', $controller);
                $this->_config('host',          $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
                $this->_config('forceSSL',              array());
                if(strlen(trim($this->_getConfig('cakeUrl'))) > 0 && $this-
>_getConfig('cakeUrl') <> '/'){
                $this->_config('path',          $this->_getConfig('cakeUrl'));
        function shutdown(&$controller){
        function _config($strParam,$objValue,$bolGet=false){
                        $this->_aryParams[$strParam] = $objValue;
                        return $this->_aryParams[$strParam];
        function _getConfig($strParam){
                return $this->_config($strParam,null,true);
        function force($arySSL=null,$strAction=null){
                        foreach($arySSL as $strSSL){
                                if(count(split('\.',$strSSL,2)) <> 2){
                                        $strSSL .= '.*';
                                list($strController,$strAction) = 
                }elseif($arySSL <> null){
                        if($strAction == null){
                                $strAction = '*';
        function check(){
                $bolForced = false;
                foreach($this->_getConfig('forceSSL') as $arySSL){
                        if($arySSL['controller'] == 
$this->_getConfig('controller') &&
$arySSL['action'] == $this->_getConfig('action')){
                                $bolForced = true;
                        }elseif($arySSL['controller'] == 
$this->_getConfig('controller') &&
$arySSL['action'] == '*'){
                                $bolForced = true;
                $objController = $this->_getConfig('objController');
                if(!env('HTTPS') && $bolForced){
                        if(!$bolForced && env('HTTPS')){

On Jun 30, 11:21 pm, "Daniel E." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I managed to get my component working but would like to call cake's
> native 'redirect' instead of "header('location...", if it is
> possible... Does anyone know how this can be done?
> ~/app/app_controller.php:
> <?php
> ...
> function beforeRender(){
>                 /*
>                  * $this->SSL->reset=false;//requests continue in https if 
> false,
> default = true
>                  * $this->SSL->force('controller','action');
>                  * $this->SSL->force('controller');//all actions forced.
>                  * $array =
> array('controller.actionA','controller2.actionB','controller3');
>                  * $this->SSL->force($array);
>                  */
>                 $this->SSL->force('users');
>                 $this->SSL->force('messages','add');
>                 $this->SSL->check();}
> ...
> ?>
> ~/app/controllers/components/s_s_l.php:
> <?php
> class SSLComponent extends Object{
>         var $_aryParams         =       array();
>         var $reset              =       true;
>         function initialize(&$controller){
>                 $this->_config('controller', 
> $controller->params['controller']);
>                 $this->_config('action',     $controller->params['action']);
>                 $this->_config('host',               $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
>                 $this->_config('cakeUrl',    
> $controller->params['url']['url']);
>                 $this->_config('forceSSL',   array());
>                 if(strlen(trim($this->_getConfig('cakeUrl'))) > 0 && 
> $this->_getConfig('cakeUrl') <> '/'){
> $this->_config('cakeUrl','/'.$this->_getConfig('cakeUrl'));
>                 }
>                 $this->_config('path',$this->_getConfig('cakeUrl'));
>         }
>         function startup(&$controller){
> $this->_config('resetPath','://'.$this->_getConfig('host').$this->_getConfig('path'));
>         }
>         function shutdown(&$controller){
>                 unset($this->_aryParams);
>         }
>         function _config($strParam,$objValue,$bolGet=false){
>                 if(!$bolGet){
>                         $this->_aryParams[$strParam] = $objValue;
>                 }else{
>                         return $this->_aryParams[$strParam];
>                 }
>         }
>         function _getConfig($strParam){
>                 return $this->_config($strParam,null,true);
>         }
>         function force($arySSL=null,$strAction=null){
>                 if(is_array($arySSL)){
>                         foreach($arySSL as $strSSL){
>                                 if(count(split('\.',$strSSL,2)) <> 2){
>                                         $strSSL .= '.*';
>                                 }
>                                 list($strController,$strAction) = 
> split('\.',$strSSL,2);
> $this->_config('forceSSL',array_merge($this->_getConfig('forceSSL'),array(array('controller'=>
> $strController,'action'=>$strAction))));
>                         }
>                 }elseif($arySSL <> null){
>                         if($strAction == null){
>                                 $strAction = '*';
>                         }
> $this->_config('forceSSL',array_merge($this->_getConfig('forceSSL'),array(array('controller'=>$arySSL,'action'=>
> $strAction))));
>                 }
>         }
>         function check(){
>                 $this->_config('bolReset',   $this->reset);
>                 $bolForced = false;
>                 foreach($this->_getConfig('forceSSL') as $arySSL){
>                         if($arySSL['controller'] == 
> $this->_getConfig('controller') &&
> $arySSL['action'] == $this->_getConfig('action')){
>                                 $bolForced = true;
>                         }elseif($arySSL['controller'] == 
> $this->_getConfig('controller') &&
> $arySSL['action'] == '*'){
>                                 $bolForced = true;
>                         }
>                 }
>                 if(!env('HTTPS') && $bolForced){
> header('location:'.'https'.$this->_getConfig('resetPath'));
>                 }elseif($this->_getConfig('bolReset')){
>                         if(!$bolForced && env('HTTPS')){
> header('location:'.'http'.$this->_getConfig('resetPath'));
>                         }
>                 }
>         }}
> ?>

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