After thinking about this further, I've come to the conclusion that
the vendor branching approach really is the best (and correct) way of
managing SVN, cake updates, and even your own personal libraries.

Grant Cox wrote an excellent article about this in the bakery.

One problem remains however.

SVN keyword substitution is very useful during development to track
last-modified times for files, user who made the change, last
revision, etc.

However, it does cause a problem with merging vendor code, as just
about all the files will get flagged as conflicts when the last-
revision and last-modified fields are substituted in the comment
header of each file. (In fact, this may have been the problem the
first commenter to Grant's article was experiencing).

One possibility is to find a way to exclude keyword substitution on
vendor folders, such as cakephp, since we don't change it often

That helps a bit.

However, as soon as we want to expand the vendor branching approach to
our own libraries (the real benefit, in my opinion), the problem
returns. Every merge will end up with "false" conflicts.

Another, perhaps better approach, might be to have keyword
substitution on the vendors/ folder, but not on the local copy of that
vendor's code in each app. This way, our own libraries in their
vendors/ folder will have the keyword substitution info updated on
each commit, but the copy of that library in each app/ won't, and will
reflect the original values from the revision in vendors/ it came
from. So, merging will not cause conflicts.

However, you lose the benefit of keyword substitution for local
changes made to your local copies of libraries in each app.

Is there any way to tell svn to ignore keywords in comment headers
when doing a merge? Can this be done on TortoiseSVN?
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