Not sure if this will help you out or not, but I can explain what I've
done in our application.  I thought about a way to have the same user
under two different departments.  What I really starting thinking
about it though, I found it wasn't necessary (at least in my case).

I have something like this.



Now I can give Department.1 (Aro) access to Department.1 (Aco).  Now,
let's say User.1 (Aro) needs access to the same things that Department.
2 (Aro) has access to.  Because all my Aros are grouped by Departments
too...  Even though User.1 isn't a part of the Department.2 group, I
can still give User.1 access to the Aco Deparment.2.  Now User.1 has
access to everything that Department.2 has access to.

The only time I can think of where this might be a problem is if you
wanted to give Department.2 (Aro) access to Department.3 (Aco).  User.
1 (Aro) won't have access to it unless you say it can. It will still
only have access to Department.2.

In your case you could set up a structure like this:

Millennium Falcon


Now Crew (Aro) could have access to everything.  Passangers could have
access to Lounge.  And R2D2 could have access to Guns and Engines.

Another good way to think about...  There can't be more than one of me
in this world.  Having more than one of me would be trouble.  I have
access to my job and my office.  If I get fired I shouldn't have
access to it anymore, but if there were two of me, even though I got
fired, I might still have access to my job and office.  It's bad
news.  The same goes for the ACL.  There should never be two Hans...
there's only one, that can have access to many different things.

Hope that's not to confusing.  Hope it helps.

On Jul 14, 3:34 am, CrazyDave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to use the ACL component in CakePHP and have got things up and
> running thanks to some blog posts by Mark Story and LemonCake.  I do
> have a query about the ACL and if it's capable of users belong to
> multiple groups?
> I found two previous posts on the subject:
> Both state that this isn't possible with CakePHP's ACL, has this
> changed or will this ever change?
> For example (taken from phpgacl) something like this where Han is a
> member of two groups.
> Default: DENY ALL
>   Millennium Falcon Passengers
>     |-Crew [ALLOW: ALL]
>     | |-Han
>     | |-Chewie [DENY: Engines]
>     |-Passengers [ALLOW: Lounge]
>     | |-Jedi [ALLOW: Cockpit]
>     | | |-Obi-wan
>     | | |-Luke [ALLOW: Guns]
>     | |-R2D2
>     | |-C3PO
>     |-Engineers [ALLOW: Engines, Guns]
>       |-Han
>       |-R2D2
> Thanks,
> Dave
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