Use a `belongsTo`, not a `hasOne`.

On Jul 18, 3:52 am, Parris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So I have a MVC for Events and Event Categories. I am trying to have
> the name of the category appear on the event page. I am associating
> events as belonging to event categories with a field called cat_id.
> I am able the retrieve the tables, but for some reason the event
> category part of the array ends up empty.
> Visually I am trying to make it look something like:
> Concert: Annual Event
> Where Concert is equal to a cat_name which is associated by cat_id(in
> the event table) = id(in the event categories table) and Annual Event
> is the event_title (in the event table). Also the word concert would
> be linked to show a category view
> Getting data from the event table is no problem.
> I used print_r($event[0]) to show data from the first entry:
> [code]Array ( [Event] => Array ( [id] => 6 [cat_id] => 1 [gallery_id]
> => 6 [event_title] => Test [event_date] => 2008-02-09 [event_hour] =>
> 6 [event_minute] => 0 [event_ampm] => 1 [event_price] => 10.00
> [event_tickets] => 6 [event_venue] => Venue [event_address] => Address
> [event_city] => San Jose [event_state] => CA [event_zip] => 95123  )
> [EventCategory] => Array ( [id] => [cat_name] => [cat_description]
> => ) ) [/code]
> If you notice the EventCategory part of the array is empty for some
> reason....
> Event Model:
> [code]<?php
> class Event extends AppModel
> {
>         var $name = 'Event';
>         var $hasOne = array(
>                 'EventCategory' => array(
>                         'className'     =>   'EventCategory',
>                         'foreignKey' =>      'id'
>                         )
>                 );}
> ?>
> [/code]
> Event Category Model:
> [code]
> <?php
> class EventCategory extends AppModel
> {
>         var $name = 'EventCategory';
>         var $hasMany = array(
>                 'Event' => array(
>                         'className'     =>   'Recipe',
>                         'order'         =>   'Reciped}
> ?>
> [/code]
> Event Controller:
> [code]
> <?php
> class EventController extends AppController
> {
>         var $name = 'Event';
>         function index()
>         {
>                 $this->set('event', $this->Event->findAll());
>         }}
> ?>
> [/code]
> Event Category Controller:
> [code]
> <?php
> class EventCategoryController extends AppController
> {
>         var $name = 'EventCategory';
>         function index()
>         {
>                 $this->set('eventcategory', $this->EventCategory->findAll());
>         }}
> ?>
> [/code]
> Sorry, I know this is a bit lengthy, but I figured I would give a
> bunch of details rather than be vague. Hope someone can help. Also I
> don't thing their is a [code] tag here, but it separates things nicely
> anyways.
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