He Brendon,

I always forget that 'on' thing ;) I tried:
'Duplicate' => array(
                'rule'      => array('isUnique'),
                'on'        => 'create',
                'message'   => 'This nick is already taken. Choose
another or sign in'

But still is given me this validation message when I try to do $this-
>items->saveAll($this->data, array('validate'=>'first')));
Maybe the saveAll thinks that it is always a create.
It does do a SELECT on the authors table, but still comes back with
the 'Duplicate' validation error message.

Do I something wrong?

On Aug 15, 10:33 pm, BrendonKoz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In your rule that you set "isUnique", just make it so that the "on"
> key within that rule is set to "create" for the nickname field.
> Problem solved.
> On Aug 15, 3:58 am, Primeminister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > He Teknoid, thnx for your reply!
> > This works great, but I want an update if the nickname already exists
> > and an insert if not.
> > I thought in beforeSave() getting the ID of that nickname would be
> > sufficient.
> > Is there another way to do this with saveAll()? Or do I just have to
> > do save() twice (Items and Author)?
> > On Aug 14, 6:31 pm, teknoid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > saveAll() will validate both of your models, and only save if both
> > > models pass validation.
> > > (Ensure that your DB supports transactions and use 'validate'=>'first'
> > > for options).
> > > This way you don't need any beforeSave() trickery, and you can rely on
> > > something like 'isUnique'
> > > saveAll() handles the rest...
> > > On Aug 14, 10:14 am, Primeminister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi!
> > > > I use save all on Items which is associated with Authors (Item
> > > > belongsTo Author) and I have a beforeSave() in model Author which
> > > > checks if the nickname already exists and add the Author id to 
> > > > this->data when it does exists.
> > > > When I do $this->Item->saveAll() I print the $this->data in
> > > > Author.beforeSave()
> > > > Array
> > > > (
> > > >     [Author] => Array
> > > >         (
> > > >             [nick] => primeminister
> > > >             [modified] => 2008-08-14 14:09:08
> > > >             [created] => 2008-08-14 14:09:08
> > > >         )
> > > > )
> > > > I check if the author already exists. If yes then add it to $this-
> > > > >data :
> > > > Array
> > > > (
> > > >     [Author] => Array
> > > >         (
> > > >             [nick] => primeminister
> > > >             [modified] => 2008-08-14 14:09:08
> > > >             [created] => 2008-08-14 14:09:08
> > > >             [id] => 1
> > > >         )
> > > > )
> > > > But this ID is not used when saving the model Author record. It is
> > > > used but the with an INSERT statement.
> > > > Query: INSERT INTO `authors` (`nick`,`modified`,`created`,`id`) VALUES
> > > > ('primeminister','2008-08-14 14:09:08','2008-08-14 14:09:08',1)
> > > > How can I set this ID when using saveAll in items controller?
> > > > thnx!- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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