The example in the manual is a little misleading. It assumes a
belongsTo relationship between Post and Author (i.e. Post belongsTo
In that case a JOIN will be performed (remember, JOINs are only done
for hasOne and belongsTo).

I think the confusion is that it also mentions a hasMany relationship
(i.e. Author hasMany Post), but in that case the JOIN is not forced.

So, in other words, if you assumed that in the manual example there
would be a call: $this->Post->find(... then a JOIN is performed and
everything works as expected. If, however, it was $this->Author-
>find(... then one would likely to see an error similar to yours.

P.S. I've submitted a correction to the manual.

On Aug 19, 8:16 pm, Christian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the manual I found an example of what I'm trying to do, except it
> doesn't work...
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Let's say you had a hasMany/belongsTo relationship between Posts and
> Authors, which would result in a LEFT JOIN. Let's say you wanted to
> find all the posts that contained a certain keyword (“magic”) or were
> created in the past two weeks, but you want to restrict your search to
> posts written by Bob:
> code:
> array (
>         "" => "Bob",
>         "or" => array (
>                 "Post.title LIKE" => "%magic%",
>                 "Post.created >" => date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-2 weeks"))
>         )
> )
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> So you pass that as conditions to your find() call.
> I have a Game model and a GamePlayer model.
> Game hasMany GamePlayer.
> GamePlayer belongsTo Game.
> I want to find all games with inherent Game.status=1, and with an
> associated GamePlayer.user_id=1
>                 $cond = array("conditions"=>array("Game.status"=>1));
>                 $games = $this->Game->find('all',$cond));
> --> This will return all the games with status=1, and right underneath
> the associated GamePlayers
> however, when i say..
>                 $cond =
> array("conditions"=>array("Game.status"=>1,"GamePlayer.user_id"=>1));
> and repeat the find...
> it spits back at me "Unknown column 'Game.status' in 'where clause'"
> because it doesn't do a JOIN like the example from the cookbook says.
> I know this topic has come up on the google group elsewhere, but they
> either don't address this exact issue, or i try what is suggested and
> still no luck.
> I'd like to think this is a pretty basic and overused query for almost
> any application of databases.
> thanks,
> Christian
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