First of I'm new to Cake and tryign it out for the first time - I've
searched here and on Google to solve what I suspect will be an
idiotically simple question ....

Two tables:
all linked in the models correctly

On my default view of the venues table I want to filter the contacts
to display only one of the potentially many based on a field value of

venues_controller::index() is
$this->Venue->recursive = 1;
$venues = $this->Venue->find('all');

and contacts_controller::index() is
$this->Contact->recursive = 1;
$contacts = $this->Contact->find('all',
                                'conditions' => array('Contact.jobType' => 
$this->set('contacts', $contacts);

I can retrieve all contacts for a venue on the index view for venues,
but I only want the 'main' one.

Should I set up a custom query in the venues_controller to do this? Or
am I missing somehting more obvious?

Thanks for any guidance.


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