Oh, I almost slept, you should try to more clear and less verborragic,
so many explanation just messed up things more and more...
And you should do 2 things when you can't speak a language : 1) look
for groups with the same language of yours and 2) say your
nacionality, so members from the same country can get sensible with
you and try to help you more....

"stop the bullshit and answer me..."

OK, answers :
> 1) Do I have to manually set up Foreign keys for tables?

it depends, did you sitcked to conventions?
Your CarAd Model has the following scheme and linking convention:

id                                      - primaryKey
car_type_id                        - className => CarType, uses table -
> car_types
car_brand_id                      - className => CarBrand, uses table -
>  car_brands
car_fuel_id                         - className => CarFuel, uses table
->  car_fuels
car_transmission_id            - className => CarTransmission, uses
table ->  car_transmissions
ad_county_id                      - className => AdCountry, uses table
->  ad_countries
ad_borough_id                    - className => AdBorough, uses table -
> ad_boroughs (?)
car_ad_type_id                   - className => CarAdType, uses tabl -
> car_ad_types
added                      <- tip : is this field meant to hold the
datetime of row creation? if yes, rename it to "created" and cakePHP
will handle it for you

Said that all this foreign keys says : this CarAd belongs to this
CarType, and to this CarBrand, and to that CarFuel... so you should
have in your model class:

class CarAd extends AppModel {
   var $belongsTo = array (
        'CarType', 'CarBrand', 'CarFuel', 'CarType',
        'CarTransmission', 'AdCountry', 'AdBorough',

now CakePHP will map all your model's foreign keys and you will be
able to access this relateds models as a property of your CarAd
model :
// inside your model
inside your controller

answered? moving on...

> 2) Do I have to build model for each table I need to get id's
> from..even if the table itself will stay static ? (model for
> car_transmissions, car_fuels_id... tables)

No, actually CakePHP map table names for you too. >>

>   By static I mean that I don't need to add or delete data from it
> because probably there will not be any new transmission types
> coming..... I only need to read info from it.
> I know 100% that I have to build model for tables which will have
> dynamic content...like table car_brand. (new car brand comes.. for ex.
> "BMW-Jaguar"..and I need to add it to table from site...not manually)

you should avoid this kind of thinking...

> So my main table at this time is car_ads and I have controller for
> it... and it also gives me it's table contents with simple index():
>       function index() {
>               $this->set('carads',$this->CarAd->find('all'));
>       }
> But I want to see text in the list..not that number which I have on
> car_transmission_id field. (Instead of number 1 I would like to see
> text: "Automatic")

> Currently line looks like this: Brand: 5  Year: 2000 Transmission: 1
> Gas: 2
> But it should look like this:   Brand: Chevrolet Astro Year: 2000
> Transmission: Automatic  Gas: Benzine

No actually it shouldn't, what is happening is the normal and expected

I'll explain what is already in the manual about cakePHP's data
scheme, I'll wont reproduce arrays here because it would be very ugly
and painfull for me so take this as example : 
-> the grey box at the bottom of the content...

that's how your data will return but with the your model names...
back to your CarAdsController::index() :

>       function index() {
>               $this->set('carads',$this->CarAd->find('all'));
>       }

in your view you will have a var named 'carads', and you'll be able to
access data as the array in the link shows :
// first entry's CarTransmission.transmission wil be accessed like
echo $carads[0]['CarTransmission']['transmission'];

// the nth entry/row CarBrand.name will be accessed like this
echo $carads[$num]['CarBrand']['name'];

for a dynamic list or table generation, you would do something like
foreach($carads as $entryNum => $entryData)
   echo 'Transmission: ' . $entryData['CarTransmission']
   echo 'Brand : ' . $entryData['CarBrand']['name'];
   echo 'Country : <a href="/view/country/' . $entryData['CarCountry']
['id']  . '" title="view country:' . $entryData['CarCountry']
['name'] . '"> ' . $entryData['CarCountry']['name'] . '</a>';

> I'll try to explain it once more..maybe it helps to clear things out:

   you actually didn't explain anything, just asked more questions ;-)

> 1) I have table car_ads which will hold car ads... to that table will
> be added all kind of info... car brand, car transmission type, fuel
> type.. info, make year. Most things should be choosed from other
> tables...so when I'm inserting a new ad, I should see dropdown list
> for "Car transmission". And when I select from that list "Automatic"
> then equaling id will be added to table car_ads into
> car_transmission_id field.

never say "I should be able" things must be done, CakePHP is a full of
good stuffs framework, but it is no David Blaine ->

read the following links to get help with form elements creation:

oh last link i couldn't find... it's a link wich talks about the
magicall dropdown fill up cakePHP form helper does with vars passed to
views... it's a good reference for newbies...

but basically you can do this: in the action wich displays your form,
the one users will be able to create new ads, probably
CarAdsController::create(), you should setup vars with your
association's table names :
function create() {
   if(!empty($this->data)) {

   $car_transmissions = $this->CarAd->CarTransmission->find('all');
   $this->set('car_transmissions', $car_transmissions);
   $car_brands = $this->CarAd->CarBrand->find('all');
   $this->set('car_brands', $car_brands );

And in your view:
// create.ctp
echo $form->input('CarAd.car_transmission_id');
echo $form->input('CarAd.car_brand_id');

And *TCHARAM!*: I rock and I'm a cheater? Pure CakePHP magic? or
PhpNut and it's companion's skills to your rescue? --- All of
them! :-)

> 2) When I enter the index(), then list of ads will be displayed...but
> how to make it show text instead of different id's ?

answered above.

> Big thanks to anyone who helps me getting back on tracks.

You're welcome! Enjoy CakePHP as much as you can, always ask around
your needings, get help at IRC, and, please visit top rated blogs -
the ones listed at cakephp.org. And last but not least : Actually read
the manual :-P

Any doubt? ask here again, in the same post, but be short!

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