Each game in my games database has fields that represent dimensions.
They are simply numbers ranging from 0-7, basically "how X" or "how
Action-style" the game is. We'll call these fields X, Y, and Z.

I wish to create a search tool that finds other games that are most
similar to the inputted game (using the X, Y, and Z fields' numerical

Below is my current solution. For each game, I proceed to compare each
numerical field. I will call our original game $original. Just take a

function specialsearch($original) {
   $games = $this->Game->find('all', array('fields'=>array('X', 'Y',
   foreach ($games as $game) {
      $results[ $game['Game']['id'] ]['X'] = abs( $game['Game']['X'] -
$original['Game']['X'] );
      //We'd repeat this for each field, Y, Z and so on...

      $results[ $game['Game']['id'] ]['strength'] =
$results[ $game['Game']['id'] ]['X'] + $results[ $game['Game']['id'] ]
['Y'] + $results[ $game['Game']['id'] ]['Z'];

   //This is where we'd put all the logic for saving or returning the

This should work well. We wind up with a distance from your original
in each dimension. So when we add them together, we find exactly how
dissimilar it is. 0 would be a game that's identical to this one, and
infinity would be the opposite of this game.

But this seems inefficient, especially if I want to display, for
example, 5 other games that are similar to this one on every "view"
action! Does anybody have a better solution?

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