The URL /test implies /test/index, which means Cake will look for this:

app/controllers/test_controller.php (needs to have function index())
app/views/test/index.ctp (or .thtml for Cake 1.1)

app/views/layouts/default.ctp is optional, you don't need it in the  
beginning. Eventually you will want to customize it of course, but not  
having it means Cake uses the built in layout which means one less  
point of failure.

The app/views/pages/ directory is for the Pages controller, which  
comes with Cake, which is supposed to be used for static pages you  
don't need a controller for.


PS: It'll get better after a week or two, just don't tear your hair  
out until then.
In a month you'll wonder how you could ever live without Cake. ;o)

On 9 Sep 2008, at 01:27, gabriel wrote:

> Hi, I am new to cake and are really frustrated with the basics. I have
> created a default.thml in layouts, with the code <?PHP echo
> $content_for_layout; ?>, then I created a test.thtml in pages, I point
> the server to it and get a missing view error - anyone any ideas?
> >

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