What David said.

You have to add your conditions to the paginate call.

Check out the google groups FAQ: http://groups.google.com/group/cake-php/web/faq

Scroll down to: How to add paginate support for custom queries?

On Sep 9, 9:13 am, "David C. Zentgraf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> See:http://groups.google.com/group/cake-php/msg/7d17a42d764ccce4?hl=en
> Your problem is not in your conditions, it's right here:
> > $this->set('textmasters', $this->paginate());
> Yes, this in fact does give you *everything*.
> On 9 Sep 2008, at 17:04, Liebermann, Anja Carolin wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I still have some problems with the parameters for "find"
> > I have two different sets of parameters but I have the impression the
> > result doesn't react on them, but simply gives me a list with nearly  
> > all
> > of my datasets:
> > Version 1:
> > $params = array(
> > 'conditions' => array('Textmaster.katalogobjekt_id' => 1,
> > 'Textmaster.sprache_id' => 1,
> >  'Textmaster.textinhalt LIKE' =>
> > '%'.trim($this->data['Textmaster']['textinhalt']).'%',
> >  'Textmaster.suchkriterium LIKE' =>
> > '%'.trim($this->data['Textmaster']['suchkriterium']).'%'),
> > 'fields' =>
> > array
> > ('Textmaster.id','Textmaster.suchkriterium','Textmaster.textinhalt'
> > ),
> > 'order' => 'Textmaster.suchkriterium ASC',
> > 'recursive' => -1
> > );
> > Version 2:
> > $params = array(
> > 'conditions' => array('Textmaster.katalogobjekt_id' => 1,
> > 'Textmaster.sprache_id' => 1),
> > 'fields' =>
> > array
> > ('Textmaster.id','Textmaster.suchkriterium','Textmaster.textinhalt'
> > ),
> > 'order' => 'suchkriterium ASC',
> > 'recursive' => -1
> > );
> > $textmasters = $this->Textmaster->find('all',$params);
> > $this->set('textmasters', $this->paginate());        
> > Question 1: What does 'fields' do? I thought it would load only those
> > fields, but my dataset seems to load completely because in the view
> > every column is populated
> > Question 2: the 'order' criteria is being ignored. Do I have the wrong
> > syntax? The result is still sorted by 'id'.
> > Question 3: the "like" condition is also ignored, although it arraives
> > in the parameter array:
> > E.g.:
> > Array
> > (
> >    [conditions] => Array
> >        (
> >            [Textmaster.katalogobjekt_id] => 1
> >            [Textmaster.sprache_id] => 1
> >            [Textmaster.textinhalt LIKE] => %Modern%
> >            [Textmaster.suchkriterium LIKE] => %ACE109%
> >        )
> >    [fields] => Array
> >        (
> >            [0] => Textmaster.id
> >            [1] => Textmaster.suchkriterium
> >            [2] => Textmaster.textinhalt
> >        )
> >    [order] => Textmaster.suchkriterium ASC
> >    [recursive] => -1
> > )
> > Any hints on what is going wrong are appreciated.
> > Anja C. Liebermann
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