Hello everyone.

I have some trouble with Auth when using caching of main page.
I want that users will auto-login when they open main page. Login of
auto login from cookies implemented in AppController::beforeFilter:

if (!$this->Auth->user())
        $cookie = $this->Cookie->read('Auth.User');
        if (!is_null($cookie)) {
                if ($this->Auth->login($cookie)) {

But when users open cached first page CakePHP not execute
beforeFilter. When user goes to no-caching page beforeFilter executing
and he login automated.
Problem here(layout/default.ctp)

        if ($session->read("Auth.User.role") == 'accepted')
                echo $this->element('user_menu');

So user dont see menu before he go to another page =(

Any solution?
I see two ways:
1. How i can use Auth, Cookie and Session components from my layout?
ClassRegistry::init(...) didnt work here =(
2. Any actions in controllers are called when opens Cached page?

Big sorry for my english language =/
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