It is a bit different from your example but here is how I use between:
$startDateCond = array('Event.start_date' => 'BETWEEN ' . UDAYSTART .

The resulting SQL is something like:
(`Event`.`start_date` BETWEEN '1218405600' AND '1226181600')

which works fine.

Cake version is


On Sep 10, 4:32 am, Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm trying to perform a find operation on my 'event' model in order to
> retrieve "events" that fall within a specific date range. I've read
> the manual on the process to do complex find conditions but thus far
> I've been unable to get it to generate working SQL code that will
> accomplish my goal.
> The following is my find statement (here's to hoping the formatting
> sticks somewhat) :
> $events = $this->Event->find('all', array('recursive' => 1,
>                         'conditions' => array(
>                           '' => $currUser['id'],
>                         'or' => array(
>                           'Event.startTime BETWEEN ? AND ?' =>
> array($bottomSearchBound,$topSearchBound),
>                           'Event.endTime BETWEEN ? AND ?' =>
> array($bottomSearchBound,$topSearchBound)
>                       )
>                     )
>             ));
> The sql it generates (snipped version) is as follows:
> WHERE `User`.`id` = 7 AND ((`Event`.`startTime BETWEEN ? AND ?` IN
> ('2008-08-01', '2008-10-01') ) OR (`Event`.`endTime BETWEEN ? AND ?`
> IN ('2008-08-01', '2008-10-01') ))
> And the error it generates is:
> Warning (512): SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'Event.startTime
> BETWEEN ? AND ?' in 'where clause'
> Obviously the "?" token replacement isn't being completed
> successfully.
> Any help would be _greatly_ appreciated!
> - Daniel
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