Well I have

function hide() {
    echo "hello";

$("a.hide").click(function() {
                $.post('hide', {}, function() {
                return false;

but when I click the link it doesn't output "hello". the alert shows
but nothing outputs.

any thoughts =/?

ALSO does anyone know if the post URL parameter can be a full http://

On Sep 12, 2:23 am, "David C. Zentgraf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Executing" a controller action is just doing a page request.
> If you type /myapp/controller/hide into the browser,
> Controller::hide() will be executed.
> If you do an AJAX request to /myapp/controller/hide,
> Controller::hide() will be executed just the same.
> Where's the problem? :-3
> On 12 Sep 2008, at 14:56, rocket wrote:
> > ok i've been looking online for several hours now and can't find
> > anything, so here i am!
> > basically I have an announcment div (#announcement) that I show on my
> > page. The user can click a text link, "don't show" and I want it to
> > slideUp, then save their setting (in a DB).
> > My problem is accessing the controller to get into the db. I can't
> > figure out how to send a request to the controller to save the item.
> > In the best world, when they click "Don't Show" the textbox will
> > slideUp, it will execute my hide() controller action, and still be on
> > the same page.
> > Can anyone give me some guidance at all?
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