You already covered most suggestion I might have had, but I thought I
would post what I get when I write the same syntax.
My installation of php and CakePHP 1.2 rc2 produces this type of
output for any syntax error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /Users/martin/Sites/cake/
great/config/core.php on line 43

I am running Apples Apache on a Mac. If I remember correctly the *AMP
setups often offer accelerators for php. Is one of them active in your

Try to output phpinfo() from "inside" Cake and compare to a raw
phpinfo without the framework loaded. That could yield some small
configuration change.

Mike wrote:
> Hello!
> My problem is that when I put a syntax error into my .php file {say,
> instead of writing Configure::write('debug', 2); , I write
> Configure::write('debug',     }, with CakePHP, I'm getting an HTTP
> response code of 500 (internal server error).  When I use a raw .php
> file & do something comparable, I get that page telling me what the
> syntax errors are.
> FWIW, CakePHP used to give me syntax errors in the returned page, too,
> but it's not doing so now.  It's been about a month since I've done
> anything with PHP, so it's possible that I changed something, but I
> don't remember seeing this the last time I did something in (Cake)PHP.
> I'm running XAMPP on WindowsXP, if that helps.  Cake 1.2 Beta, if that
> makes a difference.
> My php.ini has the error_reporting=E_ALL, and display_errors = On, and
> is also logging the errors to a file, for good measure.  My httpd.conf
> appears to be set up ok (I think) - it's got the error file set up,
> and a LogLevel of debug.  However, I'm not seeing the syntax errors in
> the output (i.e., in the browser), nor am I seeing the errors listed
> in any log files.  apache/logs/access.log tells me that the request
> ended with 500, but nothing else.  apache/logs/error.log appears to
> just tell me that the server has started up.  CakePHP/ST/app/tmp/logs/
> error.log appears to have no new entries, either.
> The problem appears to be Cake-specific (the raw PHP file displays
> errors ok), and I *think* that everything's configured correctly, but
> pages with syntax errors come back as blank 500's.  The same file,
> without the syntax error, renders completely correctly.  At this
> point, I'm kind of at a loss for what to try next, and was hoping that
> someone here might have an idea
> So, having said all that - does anyone have an idea for what I might?
> Any links, or ideas, would be greatly appreciated!
> (And of course, if you happen to know exactly how to fix this, that
> would be appreciated, too :)  )
> Thanks!
> --Mike
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