Weights belongsTo both Categories and Courses
Categories hasMany Weights
Courses hasMany Weigths

BelongsTo means the model that belongsTo something also has the  
foreign keys "in itself" (Weights.course_id).
For hasMany THE OTHER model is supposed to have the foreign key  
(Courses hasMany Weights, so Courses will look for a  
Weights.category_id that matches its own id).

Behold my ASCII art: ;-)

                       /---- Weight.category_id
Category.id ----- Weight.category_id
                       \---- Weight.category_id

HasMany and belongsTo are the two sides you need for a single-many  
hasAndBelongsToMany expresses a many-many relationship, with both  
models havingAndBelongingToMany.
A hasOne-belongsTo pair would be a one-one relationship.

Does that help?

On 12 Sep 2008, at 22:42, soldier.coder wrote:

> I am getting lost in semantics and need a guide.  I'm writing an app
> that keeps track of grades for students in multiple courses.
> Depending on the type of course, there will be different categories of
> grades ('Lab Assignments','Oral Presentation', 'Programming
> Assignments', ...) and there will be different weights for the grades
> of different categories.  So let me lay out some tables:
> Weights table
>   course_id
>   category_id
>   number
>   weight
> Categories table
>   category_id
>   description
> Courses
>  course_id
>  course_name
> So it is obvious to me that the Weights table "belongs to" the Courses
> and Categories tables.
> When I set up the weights that is strait forward to me.  My problem
> comes when I start thinking about how to write the model for the
> Categories table. According to a book I am reading, "each relationship
> with association mapping must be specified in both directions" and
> when describing the "other direction" in the relationship between
> Categories and Weights or between Categories and Courses I have
> exactly 3 options: "Has One", "Has Many" and "Has and Belongs To
> Many"...
> Which is right for the relationship between Categories and Weights?
> and why?
> Which is right for the relationship between Categories and Courses?
> and why?
> Thank you very much for your help!
> >

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