Isn't just only a 'belongs to' association? 'Product' belongsTo

On Sep 11, 9:31 pm, "David C. Zentgraf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You're doing it exactly the way you described 
> it:
> On 12 Sep 2008, at 07:41, VitillO wrote:
> > This is the case, i have a tables "products", "categories". Normally i
> > would link a category to a product using product.category_id, and
> > since a category can be assigned to many products i dont have a
> > product_id in the categories table. So, how can i make this
> > relationship between the 2 without using a HABTM table, because lets
> > say i want to link a product just to 1 category, not many categories.
> > I will appreciate a lot any help with this! Thank you
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