Hi, sorry..found the solution to allow pages without a controller -
stick it in the app_controller.. which only leaves me know with the

SECONDLY: I am trying to do a on sessions, if I do pr($_SESSION); I
get all the sessions - see below..I want the user_id, I have tried
print_r($_SESSION['Config']['User']['id']) which works but when I put
in the

<?php echo $html->link("My classified adds ", array("controller" =>
"items", "action" =>
"view", ".$_SESSION['Config']['User']['id']).")); ?>

it does not work, any ideas, anyone??? I have tried $session-

>read('id'), which does not work..( in the view)

On 19 Sep, 16:45, gabriel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, Yes!! just figured it out as well
> function beforeFilter(){
>     $this->Auth->allow('add', '');
>   }
> How do you 'allow' page which is not in a controler??
> ~AND Any ideas on ...
> SECONDLY: I am trying to do a on sessions, if I do pr($_SESSION); I
> get all the sessions - see below..I want the user_id, I have tried
> print_r($_SESSION['Config']['User']['id']) which works but when I put
> in the
> <?php echo $html->link("My classified adds ", array("controller" =>
> "items", "action" =>
> "view", ".$_SESSION['Config']['User']['id']).")); ?>
> it does not work, any ideas, anyone??? I have tried $session-
> >read('id'), which does not work..( in the view)
> On 19 Sep, 15:39, avairet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Just an idea for the first issue: put " $this->Auth->allow('add') " in
> > your "beforeFilter()" function!
> > On 19 sep, 16:31, gabriel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi, I have followed the Authentication in the Cookbook. I have a few
> > > problems, maybe someone can help me. Firstly to 'allow' certain pages,
> > > I place the $this->Auth->allow('add');  in the Users controller and
> > > get and error, I have also tried to include it in the add and login
> > > functions, but it does not seems to work, the error is
> > > Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE, expecting T_FUNCTION
> > > in C:\xampp\htdocs\testsite\app\controllers\users_controller.php on
> > > line 8
> > > class UsersController extends AppController {
> > >         var $name = 'Users';
> > >         var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form', 'Session');
> > > // var $components = array('Auth'); //declared in app_controller.php
> > >   $this->Auth->allow('add');
> > > SECONDLY: I am trying to do a on sessions, if I do pr($_SESSION); I
> > > get all the sessions - see below..I want the user_id, I have tried
> > > print_r($_SESSION['Config']['User']['id']) which works but when I put
> > > in the
> > > <?php echo $html->link("My classified adds ", array("controller" =>
> > > "items", "action" =>
> > > "view", ".$_SESSION['Config']['User']['id']).")); ?>
> > > it does not work, any ideas, anyone??? I have tried $session-
> > > >read('id'), which does not work..( in the view)
> > > Array
> > > (
> > >     [User] => Array
> > >         (
> > >             [id] => 3
> > >             [username] => test
> > >             [name] => piet
> > >             [lname] => test
> > >             [email] => [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >             [tell] => 123
> > >             [cell] => 321
> > >             [hnum] => 2
> > >             [street] => car
> > >             [city_id] => 1
> > >             [county_id] => 2
> > >             [country_id] => 3
> > >             [pcode] => mnh
> > >             [admin] => 7
> > >             [maillist] => 0
> > >             [created] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
> > >             [modified] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
> > >             [ip] => 11111
> > >             [last_visit] => 2011-11-01 00:00:00
> > >             [group_id] => 1
> > >             [active] => 0
> > >             [emailssend] => 0
> > >             [browser_id] => 1
> > >             [screen] => 11
> > >         )
> > > )
> > > Array
> > > (
> > >     [Config] => Array
> > >         (
> > >             [userAgent] => a8c0ddfcbb06197967f6ae13f3fdd732
> > >             [time] => 1221835585
> > >             [rand] => 21704
> > >             [timeout] => 10
> > >         )
> > >     [Message] => Array
> > >         (
> > >         )
> > >     [Auth] => Array
> > >         (
> > >             [User] => Array
> > >                 (
> > >                     [id] => 3
> > >                     [username] => test
> > >                     [name] => piet
> > >                     [lname] => test
> > >                     [email] => [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >                     [tell] => 123
> > >                     [cell] => 321
> > >                     [hnum] => 2
> > >                     [street] => car
> > >                     [city_id] => 1
> > >                     [county_id] => 2
> > >                     [country_id] => 3
> > >                     [pcode] => mnh
> > >                     [admin] => 7
> > >                     [maillist] => 0
> > >                     [created] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
> > >                     [modified] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
> > >                     [ip] => 11111
> > >                     [last_visit] => 2011-11-01 00:00:00
> > >                     [group_id] => 1
> > >                     [active] => 0
> > >                     [emailssend] => 0
> > >                     [browser_id] => 1
> > >                     [screen] => 11
> > >                 )
> > >         )
> > > )
> > > v- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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