
On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 1:17 PM, RichardAtHome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>     $this->Auth->deny('admin', 'accnt', 'faq'); // does not work
> This doesn't work because the 'action' for all views in the pages
> controller is 'display' not 'admin', 'accnt'
> $this->Auth->deny("display") would work, but it would deny ALL views
> handled by the pages controller.
> Your workaround is a good compromise. Or you could make your own
> dedicated MyPagesController to group all these pages together.
> On Sep 24, 11:12 am, "Gabriel Kolbe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> S'ok, I created 'fake' functions in the user controller, then added
>> the views to the users views, then take the Authentication process
>> from the app_controller to the users_controller..
>> On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 10:54 AM, gabriel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > This is my current code:
>> > class AppController extends Controller {
>> >        var $components = array('Auth');
>> >  function beforeFilter() {
>> >    $this->Auth->authorize = 'controller';
>> >    $this->Auth->allow('*');
>> >    $this->Auth->deny('admin', 'accnt', 'faq'); // does not work
>> >    }
>> >  function isAuthorized() {
>> >    if ($this->Auth->user('role') == 'admin') {
>> >        $this->Auth->allow('admin');
>> >    }
>> >  }
>> > }
>> > What I want to do is something like the following:
>> >  function beforeFilter() {
>> >    $this->Auth->authorize = 'controller';
>> >    $this->Auth->allow('pages/faq', 'pages/aboutus', 'users/
>> > register');
>> >    $this->Auth->deny('pages/accnt', 'pages/admin', 'categories/
>> > edit');
>> >    }
>> >  function isAuthorized() {
>> >    if ($this->Auth->user('role') == 'admin') {
>> >        $this->Auth->allow('pages/admin', 'categories/edit');
>> >    }
>> >       $this->Auth->allow('pages/accnt');
>> >  }
>> > }
>> > NOTE: the pages does not have a model or controller..I HAVE read the
>> > cookbooks severaltimes, served the Cakegroup, posted several message,
>> > got different replies, but just can' t seem to find a answer to
>> > this... I would be grateful if someone can actually show me ..
> >

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