Take a look at the html helper's image() method.

It should be relatively easy to override with AppHelper to suit your

> Hi there,
> I want to give users the possibility to upload their own themes
> directly to the filesystem - similar to how wordpress does this.
> With the current theme-sctructure in Cake, I have a problem on how to
> deal "files". CSS and JS could be handled somehow, I guess, but what
> about images?
> When the user uploads a complete theme folder and has images in it,
> how should I render them? Having Image-URLs in the HTML of the themes
> that then need to be processed by the application to "render" an image
> just doesn't seem right.
> Has anyone else had this problems? And how did you solve them? Only
> allowing themes through an upload method in the application which then
> could transfer images somewhere underneath /app/webroot?
> Cheers,
>   Dirk
> --
>  http://noserub.com
>  http://identoo.com/dirk.olbertz
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