
when you make changes to the database you have to clean the cache.
Delete all files in tmp/cache/models/. Then you should find your new

On 30 Sep., 14:54, Kenchu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I use cake bake to generate all my controllers, views and models.
> Unfortunatelyl cake bake doesn't seem to realize the changes I make in
> my database anymore. I've added a couple of more tables, but when I
> try to bake some new models, they aren't even in the list of models.
> Only the old tables are. I've checked the database configuration
> multiple times and cannot see anything that would suggest why cake is
> acting this way.
> database.php
>         var $default = array(
>                 'driver' => 'mysql',
>                 'persistent' => false,
>                 'host' => 'localhost',
>                 'login' => 'root',
>                 'password' => '',
>                 'database' => 'mydb',
>                 'prefix' => '',
>         );
> }
> If I do this in the command prompt:
> mysql .... (password and user details) ENTER
> use mydb; ENTER
> show tables; ENTER
> I get this:
> +-----------------+
> | Tables_in_mydb  |
> +-----------------+
> | adresses        |
> | bankaccounts    |
> | banks           |
> | cars            |
> | categories      |
> | comments        |
> | countries       |
> | orders          |
> | orders_products |
> | products        |
> | searches        |
> | users           |
> +-----------------+
> 12 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> Using cake bake I get these:
> Possible Models based on your current database:
> 1. Bankaccount
> 2. Bank
> 3. Category
> 4. Comment
> 5. Country
> 6. Order
> 7. OrdersProduct
> 8. Product
> 9. Search
> 10. User
> Cars and adresses are new tables. Both of them are not present in the
> list. Any ideas what's wrong here?
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