The best way is to localize the *content* on all your pages, and leave
the URLs alone. Provide your users with a method of switching locales
(i.e. a link), which calls an AppController function / Component /
Whatever which then sets the proper locale using Configure::write().
Your static content on your pages will then be properly translated,
and without any additional URL manipulations.

You might have already read this, but regardless:

There are also several very good threads on issues similar to this one
elsewhere in the google group.


On Oct 1, 4:16 pm, lemp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What would be the best way to localize URL?
> I know I can use gettext function on URL, like in:
> $html->link(__('Logout', true), __('/users/logout', true));
> But it seems a bit cumbersome.
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