I have two models : Account -> hasOne -> Company & Company -> belongsTo ->

on /app/models/account.php
class Account extends AppModel {
     var $name = 'Account';.
     var $hasOne = array('Company');

on /app/models/company.php
class Company extends AppModel {
     var $name = 'Company';
     var $belongsTo = array('Account');

on /app/views/company.ctp

echo $form->create(Company, array('action'=>'add'));
echo $form->input('Company.name', array('label'=>'Company name'));
echo $form->input('Account.name');
echo $form->end('Add');

On /app/controllers/companies_controller.php

function add() {
              if(!empty($this->data)) {
                  if($this->Company->saveAll($this->data, array('validate'=>
true))) {
                      $this->Session->setFlash('New post added
                  } else {
                  $this->Session->setFlash('Failed when add new post, please
try again.');

The problem, If new data inserted, foreignKey account_id in companies table
have null value.:

Table companies :
id | name | account_id
1  | test   |  0

Table accounts :
id | name
1  | testing

How to solve this problem using saveAll? or save maybe? (this is same cases
with http://manual.cakephp.org/view/75/Saving-Your-Data )

Thanks ..

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