Thanks! This is amazing advice. I am such a beginner and this was
fantastic. The array idea is so simple and brilliant, way easier. I
will try to look into doing what you suggest. Thanks again.

On Oct 14, 9:01 pm, ORCC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think first that all you have to separate the "parsing" of the text
> and the execution of the command itself via components, namely:
> 1) Create a "CommandParser" component that has function to "parse" a
> command.
> 2) Create a "CommandExecutive" component that has a method for
> implement each of the commands.
> I suggest you to handle the user input in a unique action in the
> controlle. For example, create a send action where all the user text
> is sent:
> class ChatController extends AppController {
>             var $components =
> Array('CommandParser','CommandExecutive');
>             /*handles all text send by user*/
>             function send($text) {
>                   /*analize wherter the input is a command or is plain
> text*/
>                   if (CommandParser::isCommand($text)) {
>                         //is a command redirect for command execution
>                        //use the parser component to get the command
> and the parameter of the command
>                        $command = CommandParser::getCommand($text);
>                        $parameter = CommandParser::getParameter($te
>                        $this->redirect("/chat/command/$command/
> $parameter");
>                   }
>                   else {
>                        //is normal text, show
>                        $this->redirect("/chat/add/$text")
>                   }
>              }
>              //here is the rest of actions
>             function add ($text) {
>                  //perform logic of add text
>             }
>             function command ($command, $parameter) {
>                  //perform logic of command
>              }
> }
> For executing the command you can avoid the big switching statement by
> using an array of callbacks indexed with the command names. All
> callbacks are methods defined in the ActionExecutive component itself.
> For example:
> //this function may be in the controller
> function proccessCommand($text,$parameter) {
>        $command_list = Array (
>                     'help' => "displayHelp",
>                    'quit' => "quitUser",
>                    /* ... */
>                 );
>        /*verify if  it is a valid command*/
>        if (empty($command_list[$text])) {
>             return INVALID_COMMAND; /*this maybe a constant*/
>       }
>       $callback = $command_list[$text];
>       /*execute the command that is a method in a command executive
> component*/
>       $result = CommandExecutive::$callback($parameter);
>       return $result;
> }
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