Usually mod-rewrite is in the htaccess, be sure you have
proper .htaccess in your webroot virtual site....
(you can also turn on the rewrite log on apache, and check if
something is wrong)..


On Oct 15, 10:13 pm, Arndtinho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I reconfigured my new workstation with Cake.
> Following transfering my projects I tested one.
> But the site is displayed without the CSS definitions and the
> includes.
> I was first exposed mod_rewrite is disabled but it's enabled. And if
> I
> callhttp://myproject/css/main.css, the content of the css file is
> displayed
> at the browser.
> What could be the reason for this behavior?
> Here my virtual host configuration:
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>     ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     DocumentRoot "E:/Pfad/zum/Projekt"
>     ServerName myproject
>     ServerAlias
>     ErrorLog "E:/Pfad/zum/Projekt/logfiles/profil_error.log"
>     CustomLog "E:/Pfad/zum/Projekt/logfiles/profil_access.log" common
>     <Directory "E:/Pfad/zum/Projekt/">
>        AllowOverride All
>        Options +FollowSymLinks
>        Order deny,allow
>        Allow from all
>        Satisfy all
>     </Directory>
> </VirtualHost>
> System: WinXP, Apache2 (mod_rewrite enabled), CakePHP 1.1
> Regards
> Arndtinho
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