Hi everyone,

I am not really sure weather the following is a bug or not, but it
appears to be.

I my user model I have the follwoing HABM relationship:
var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
                'MemberOfClub' => array(
                        'className'             => 'Club',
                        'joinTable'                     => 'club_members',
                        'foreignKey'                    => 'club_id',
                        'associationForeignKey'         => 'user_id',
                        'fields'                                        => '',
                        'conditions'                    => '',
                        'unique'                        => true,

And I have a linking table in the db named club_members which contains
the following fields:
club_id - PK
user_id - PK

When I query the db like:  $user = $this->User->find(); //Testing
I get messed up data like :

[MemberOfClub] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [id] => h
                            [created] => h008-10-13
                            [name] => Fake club name
                            [logo] =>
                            [description] => he are something...
                            [template_id] => h
                            [subdomain] => hfake
                            [domain] => hdomain-name
                            [enabled] => h
                            [user_id] => h
                            [ClubMember] => Array
                                    [club_id] => 2
                                    [user_id] => 4
                                    [role_id] => 2
                                    [role_name] => role_name
                                    [created] => 2008-10-19 22:04:36
                                    [updated] => 2008-10-19 22:04:36



Does anyone know why part of the data is replaced with h and weather
it is actually a bug or not.

I am using the 1.2RC3 version.

Hope someone can help.



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