I also run a few performance tests using jMeter and cake.
In my case, i was trying to check the faster database: MySQL or
Unfortunately, i don't have the test results here with me, but as soon
as i get home, i'll post it here.

I just can say that, although i had a high CPU usage, the results were
quite fast.

Luiz Poleto

On Oct 22, 10:53 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I've started stress testing application and have problems with
> performance.
> First, I thought it was because of problems in code, but after few
> tests I deceided remove all logic and test clear framework.
> Latest stable version (cake_1.1.20.7692) was downloaded and installed
> on 2 different servers.
> Jakarta JMeter was used as stress-testing utility.
> Number of threads: 100
> Ramp-Up period: 5 sec
> I tried to test 2 requests:
> 1) request main page of cake (CakePHP Rapid Development ...)
> 2) pages/test. I created simple view without any logic inside.
> Both results were the same and both are strange for me. I have had
> follow digits:
> average time 1000 ms (it's normal) and max. time up to 50000 ms.
> I executed top at server and watched - processor was overloaded.
> top - 16:30:05 up  3:04,  2 users,  load average: 14.04, 5.06, 1.83
> Tasks: 156 total,  33 running, 123 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
> Cpu(s): 81.1%us, 17.9%sy,  0.0%ni,  0.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.2%hi,
> 0.8%si,  0.0%st
> Mem:   2065068k total,   986420k used,  1078648k free,   131132k
> buffers
> Swap:  2031608k total,        0k used,  2031608k free,   404868k
> cached
>  5046 daemon    15   0 36488 7380 4288 R   19  0.4   0:04.43 httpd
>  5151 daemon    15   0 36428 7144 4100 S   16  0.3   0:03.78 httpd
>  5092 daemon    15   0 36488 7380 4288 R   14  0.4   0:04.47 httpd
>  5165 daemon    15   0 36428 7144 4100 R   12  0.3   0:00.74 httpd
>  5173 daemon    15   0 36428 7144 4100 R   11  0.3   0:00.83 httpd
>  5175 daemon    16   0 36428 7144 4100 R    9  0.3   0:00.53 httpd
>  5180 daemon    16   0 36428 6668 3628 R    9  0.3   0:00.27 httpd
>  5066 daemon    15   0 36744 7484 4392 D    8  0.4   0:05.27 httpd
>  5203 daemon    15   0 36684 6660 3620 D    8  0.3   0:00.24 httpd
>  5162 daemon    15   0 36428 7144 4100 D    8  0.3   0:01.29 httpd
>  5149 daemon    15   0 36428 7144 4100 D    7  0.3   0:03.12 httpd
>  5146 daemon    15   0 36428 7144 4100 D    6  0.3   0:02.92 httpd
>  5174 daemon    15   0 36684 6964 3928 D    6  0.3   0:00.20 httpd
>  5152 daemon    15   0 36428 7144 4100 R    5  0.3   0:01.71 httpd
>  5153 daemon    15   0 36428 7144 4100 D    5  0.3   0:03.01 httpd
>  5137 daemon    15   0 36428 7144 4100 D    5  0.3   0:04.13 httpd
>  5139 daemon    15   0 36428 7144 4100 R    4  0.3   0:03.09 httpd
> In really, there is often even 99% CPU used.
> I tried to run this test with native php-application and cpu usage was
> normal in this way, so I think the reason of this overload is cake.
> Have someone stres-tested cake-application? What is the reason of big
> cpu usage? What should I do to make it normal?
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