Hi Lane,

I'm getting this exact same problem, invlaidation occurs, but the
messages are not populated and I get an empty array for the model that
failed in the view's $this->validationErrors.

Strange! I'm using RC 3 - LANE, did you work out any solution other
than the workaround you provided?


On Sep 10, 5:57 pm, Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to usesaveAllto save multiple records of a model in one
> form.  Everything works fine as far as saving and validation goes
> except for one little problem.  If the data entered does not validate,
> the validationErrors array that is returned does not contain the
> fields or the error messages for the fields that did not validate.
> Here is an example setup (same 
> ashttp://teknoid.wordpress.com/2008/08/04/practical-use-of-saveall-part...
> view
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> echo $form->create();
> echo $form->input('0.name');
> echo $form->input('0.username');
> echo $form->input('0.email');
> echo $form->input('0.company_id', array('type'=>'hidden',
> 'value'=>1));
> echo $form->input('1.name');
> echo $form->input('1.username');
> echo $form->input('1.email');
> echo $form->input('1.company_id', array('type'=>'hidden',
> 'value'=>1));
> echo $form->end('Add');
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> controller
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> function add() {
>    if(!empty($this->data)) {
>         $this->Account->saveAll($this->data['Account'],
> array('validate'=>'first'));
>    }}
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> If I try to submit the form without entering a username for either (or
> entering one that is not alphanumeric), the form does not validate,
> but it does not show any errors.  When I print out $this->Account-
> >validationErrors I get the following array:
> Array
> (
>     [0] => Array
>         (
>         )
>     [1] => Array
>         (
>         )
> )
> So it knows that entry 0 and 1 did not validate, but it doesn't return
> the error messages or fields.  Has anyone encountered this problem, or
> perhaps know a fix.  I created a work around for now, but it would be
> nice ifsaveAllwould display the errors.  If I do this method it
> works fine:
> foreach($this->data['Account'] as $k => $v)
> {
>         $this->Account->set($v);
>         if(!$this->Account->validates())
>         {
>                 $errors[$k] = $this->Account->validationErrors;
>         }
> }
> if(empty($errors))
> {
>         // All records have validated, it is safe to save
>         $this->Account->saveAll($this->data['Account']);}
> else
> {
>         $this->Account->validationErrors = $errors;
> }
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