I've made  a custom validation for a password field real simple

'pass_confirm' => array(
                                                'samePass' => array('rule' => 
        'message' => 'Passwords do not match.'

function samePass($data) {
                                        if ( $this->data['User']['password'] == 
$data['pass_confirm'] )
                                                return true;
                                        } else {
                                                return false;

well whenever the passwords do not match it shows the error message
twice, once before the input and once after the input, this is all I
have, they both have the same class error-message so I don't know why
there is 2.

     if ($form->isFieldError('User.pass_confirm')) { e($form-
>error('User.pass_confirm', null));} e($form-
Password:','type'=>'password')) . "<br />\n");

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