> ... and the fastest and best to achieve it is to follow the
> framework's methods.
> But if you'd rather spend time trying to hack around the problem,
> that's certainly up to you.

Sure you're right, but atm I estimate the time to hack smaller than to
learn fw methods.
The query delegate to that sorting may grow in complexity and I may
found hard to build right conditions to pass at the framework. Let's
say I have Photos, that belongs to Users and may have Comments, and
Clicks, and Ratings, and I want to order by Comment count or Rating or
Clicks over a certain span of time, but I don't want to always
estabilish a relationship with Clicks because I'm not always
interested in joining the tables because it may slow down the things
if the table is large, so (I suppose) I cannot play with ->recursive
because I don't want to exclude all other relationships. Those are
many doubts of a beginner as I'm, aganist a problem (the pagination of
this thread) that if resolved, will trick them all.

Thanks for the links. Picking here and there, I managed to get it to
work, I had to dig a bit into controller.php :)

I know that is not the optimal solution for the framework, it's an
hack and is not guaranteed to work for every release and is not
recommended to be used, but if anyone is interested:
A function could be used to create the paging array.

var $helpers = ... 'Paginator' ...;

function foo_controller::browse($page = 1)
        $perpage = 2; // test. 15, 20, ...
        $start = ($page - 1) * $perpage;

        // custom query
        $foos = $this->Foo->query("
                select sql_calc_found_rows
                from foos Foo
                limit $start,$perpage

        $this->set('foos', $foos);

        $count = $this->Foo->query("select found_rows() as count");
        $count = $count[0][0]['count'];

        $npages = (int)ceil($count/$perpage);

        // to transfer paging options to $paginator helper in the view
        // my real issue was to accomplish this:
        $this->set('paging', array(
                'page'  => $page,
                'current'       => count($foos),
                'count' => $count,
                'prevPage'      => ($page > 1),
                'nextPage'      => ($count > ($page * $perpage)),
                'pageCount'=> $npages,
                'defaults'      => am(array('limit' => 20, 'step' => 1), $this-
>paginate), // $this->paginate, found already in the controller
                'options'       => array() // didnt know what to put here, put 
array(), it


<?php $paginator->params['paging']['Foo'] = $paging; ?>
<?php echo $this->renderElement('paginator') // I had this element
ready to show a cross-site well styled pagebar ?>

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