I created the database, then the models.  I tried out the scaffolding,
and that worked great.  Then I was able to "cake bake" to get
controllers and views.  Now I'm working on modifying this thing.  I
don't want to select all from the table, just items that don't have a

class PatchesController extends AppController {

        var $name = 'Patches';
        var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form');

        function index() {
                $this->Patch->recursive = 0;
                #$this->set('patches', $this->paginate());
                $sql = "SELECT patches.* FROM patches,responses WHERE
responses.patch_id <> patches.id";
                $this->set('patches', $this->Patch->query($sql));

(The commented part is what bake gave me)

I tried doing the above, but I just get a blank page.  I added "LIMIT
0, 30" to the query (because there are 3,000 rows) and just get an
error.  Is this a custom query?  Do I need a custom query?

I keep searching for cakephp and query, but all I end up with is how
to paginate a custom query.  I just want to know how to do a query at


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