hi am new one to cake php

Question :

i need to show all the details for the particular user id  in the
profiles view page i can get the array value in the view page i parse
the array and display the records but i can ot able to o in the edit
page please help me to finish.

please refer the following code.. and any thing need to correct please
correct it ...

i have 4 tables 1. profiles 2.scientifics  3.professionals
4 .contacts
Table structure
1. profiles
        id      int(11)  ,username      varchar(255)    ,password       
        ,title  varchar(255)

the bellow records are having more then one record's for the
particular user id.
        id      int(11)  ,userid        int(11)  ----> this is from the profile
table's id
        orgname         varchar(255)    qualification   varchar(255)


        id      int(11)  ,userid        int(11) ----> this is from the profile
        company varchar(255)

4 .contacts
        id      int(11)         userid  int(11)                 contact_type
enum('business', 'private')
        street  varchar(255)

Question :

i need to show all the details for the particular user id  in the
profiles view page i can get the array value in the view page i parse
the array and display the records but i can ot able to o in the edit
page please help me to finish.

please refer the following code.. and any thing need to correct please
correct it ...


Profiles Controller :
function index()
   $this->Profile->id  = 1;

  $this->set('data', $this->Profile->read());
  $pcondition = "WHERE contact_type = 'private'";
  $pcondition = "WHERE contact_type = 'business'";
Profile Model
var $name = 'Profile';
var $hasMany =
=> 'userid'),'Contact'=>array('className'=>'Contact','foreignKey' =>

Professional Model:
var $name = 'Professional';
var $belongsTo =
array('Profile'=>array('className'=>'Profile','foreignKey' =>

Scientific Model:
var $name = 'Scientific';
var $belongsTo =
array('Profile'=>array('className'=>'Profile','foreignKey' =>

View for the Index page:

for profile table display
<?php echo $data['Profile']['firstname'].$data['Profile']['lastname']?

for professional table display
                foreach ($data['Professional'] as $professional)
                       <?php  echo $professional['company'] ?>
for scientific table display
         foreach ($data['Scientific'] as $scientific)
                {<?php echo $scientific['orgname']?>}}

for contact business :
<?php echo $business['Contact']['street'].
for contact private:
<?php echo $private['Contact']['street'].


Profile controller:

function edit()
// i use the same for the index  to show the edit form text box with
particular value, then i write the extra one line to

$this->set(compact('profiles', 'scientifics', 'professionals',

o/p: i get the same array (indexpage array ) how can i put into text
box .. and how can i save the data and what are the things  i need to
write the controller:

please help me to find the solution .. this is the correct way ..my
code??.......... i dont know am beginner to cake php.

in the view page i wrote like  :


echo $data->input('id');
but  its not working ..........
and this bellow line is aslo not working ............
<?php echo $html->input('Profile/title', array('size' => '25')); ?>

please help me to solve the issue

than you

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